Dear Mr. Greenkorn:

Bill Goodman from Wimberley, Texas sent in your name and address and asked that you be sent information on the Flying Midshipmen Association.

Only those select few of. highly screened individuals who once held the rank of Aviation Midshipman, USN, are eligible to be members of tie FMA. Our membership currently numbers over seven hundred and is still actively growing. (A Membership Directory will be sent to you if you decide to join:).

The FMA was formed in 1969 by a few former AVMIDN who believed an inequity existed in not having AVMIDN time considered in computing time in service for pay and retirement purposes -- particularly when .compared with other Naval Aviation pilot trainees, i.e., Aviation Cadets, Enlisted, Commissioned Officers and others.

The inequity was, to a large extent, corrected when Public Law 93-545 was enacted on December 26, 1974, through considerable en­couragement and effort by the FMA Officers then serving. The Law provided for the consideration of AVMIDN time for Reserve retirement credit and longevity pay for those still on active duty. No retroactive pay was. Allowed, nor expected, for those already re­tired or over 26 years of service -- highest pay step for Captains/ Colonels (0-6).

Since passage of PL 93-545, the FMA has continued to be active in promoting the fellowship of all former AVMIDN through the publish­ing of Newsletters and Directories of members and in holding re­unions receptions, dinners, etc. Also in contributing to the re­memberance and history of Naval Aviation and of our particular group. (Plaque on the wall of the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensa­cola, FL, is in recognition of FMA's significant monetary contributions.)

Recently, the FMA donated $1,000 to the Naval Museum in Washington, D.C. with the expectation that as soon as sufficient quantity and quality artifacts and memorabilia from our AVMIDN days are collected, an exhibit will be put together – dedicated to "Naval Aviation Midshipmen." We are currently soliciting and collecting such material and hope to see the display available to coincide with our next reunion which occurs here in Washington,~ D.C. this April [1990]. (Details in Newsletters which you will receive when you join.)

I am enclosing an Application form for your use and ask that you consider joining your fellow shipmates in supporting the worthy goals of the Flying Midshipmen Association.


cc: L IVES
LTRs also to: Walter E. Schafer
Robert S. Donovan
Thomas Butzen