USS Bon Homme Richard
Source: Naval History and Heritage Command website. Accessed 5 April 2023.
Combat Action Reports
A Combat Action Report (CAR) is a military document that provides a detailed account of a combat action or military operation. It is typically written by the unit commander or an officer who participated in the action, and is used to record and analyze the events that took place during the operation.
A Combat Action Report typically includes information such as the location and date of the operation, the unit involved, the objectives and mission of the operation, the tactics and strategies employed, the weapons and equipment used, and any casualties or damage incurred during the operation.
The following reports cover the USS Bon Homme Richards’ 1951 cruise. Additonal reports can be found at the link above.
Source: CAR 31 May – 28 July 1951 (Part 1) pg 5.
Subj: Action Report for the period 31 May 1951 through 28 July 1951
Part II
Chronological Order of Events
7/22/51: Close air support, armed reconnaissance, naval gunfire spotting, bridge strikes, photo escort, combat air patrol and anti-sub patrol comprised the days activity with 80 sorties being sent out. 15 buildings, 1 house, 1 factory, 2 trucks and 5 oxcarts were destroyed. 1 locomotive, 16 boxcars, 4 railroad bridges, 1 highway bridge, 2 railroad yards, 10 gun positions and 3 villages were damaged. 100% coverage was reported on close air support.